Band-Aids in various sizes
Moleskin for blister prevention and treatment
Sterile gauze pads and medical tape
Antiseptic wipes or solution for wound cleaning
Tweezers for removing splinters or ticks
Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
Anti-inflammatory medication like aspirin
Antihistamines for allergies or bug bites
Anti-diarrheal medication
Electrolyte replacement tablets for dehydration
Sunscreen and lip balm with SPF
Insect repellent
A small pair of scissors
A whistle for emergency signaling
Leukotape for blister prevention and securing bandages
Vaseline for chafing prevention and minor skin irritations
Remember, it's important to pack a first aid kit that's tailored to your specific needs and medical conditions, so consider consulting with a medical professional or experienced hiker for additional advice.